Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Election Note to Democrats: Keep It Local

The Democratic Party is struggling to find a unifying message as it heads into the midterm elections. The energy and drive seems to be coming from the so-called Progressive Wing, and there is a good chance that the "politics of inclusion" that often defines them will be embraced at the national level and encouraged as a kind of platform for candidates.

However, what the election of Conor Lamb demonstrates is that- at least for this election cycle- it might be better for the Party to let the candidates themselves define the debate and be willing to support them regardless of their allegiance to a national Democratic agenda.

By focusing on local issues that people can identify with, combined with a general appeal to the issue of "economic insecurity," Democrats will be able to compete more effectively in districts where they hope to unseat Republicans. This is especially true in more rural areas, where quite frankly the populace is not particularly receptive to perceptions that their District is being unduly influenced by "outsiders."

Democrats at the national level highlight issues like economic inequality and the concentration of wealth. These are serious problems facing our country, but these issues are somewhat superfluous to day to day life. On a local level, candidates might due far better framing economic issues in terms of "economic insecurity," the decline of the middle class, and issues like economic opportunity and fairness. I don't feel unequal as much as I feel insecure. I deal with exposure to economic risk every day. 

The lack of humility by political leaders at the national level will lead to critical miscalculations that could sink potential victories, especially in middle America. Democrats would be wise to heed the message in Conor Lamb's victory and learn that discretion is often the better part of valor.

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